Friday, May 11, 2007


There are 30 kinds of dolphins. Some dolphins live in saltwater and freshwater dolphins live in rivers. Dolphins have different colors: gray, black, white and pink. They have a flippers, tails and blowholes. Dolphins use sound when they want to find food and places. Dolphins' enemies are sharks and people. Sometimes, adult dolphins fight back. Adult dolphins run when sharks attack them. Sometimes dolphins get caught in fishing nets. If the nets trap the dolphins, they can't breathe. Killer whales are the largest of the dolphin family. Killer whales kill dolphins and blue whales and other animals. Blue whales are large animals too.When calves (baby dolphins) are born, female dolphins help calves breathe. Females gave milk to young dolphins for three years.

I learned a lot about dolphins. I have a dream that I'll get a diving license. I want to swim with dolphins one day.

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