Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I like this book and this story is different movie one. My favorite part is when Aladdin helped Badr-al-Budur. I like both stories, but the movie Aladdin's characters are cuter then in the book.

One day in Arabia, there was a man called Aladdin. He lived with his mother and he was very poor. Aladdin didn't help his mother and he played with his friends every day. One day Aladdin went to the street market and one man said, "Aladdin!," and Aladdin answered and they talked. His name was Abanazar and his brother was Aladdin's father so Aladdin was surprised. Aladdin wanted to tell his mother about Abanazar so Aladdin and Abanazar went home. One day Aladdin and Abanazar went to up the hill and Abanazar put some powder on the fire. Soon smoke went away and on the stone there was a ring. Aladin put the ring on his small finger. The next day, Aladdin went to the garden and he found the lamp under the tree. Abanazar wanted that lamp but Aladdin didn't give to him so he put Aladdin in to the hole. For three days Aladdin stayed in the hole, he needed help so he rubbed his ring and the jinnee of the ring came out and jinnee helped him. Aladdin went home and he told his mother about what happened to him. Aladdin was hungry so his mother rubbed the lamp and the jinnee came out and he gave them food on the gold plate every day. Aladdin sold the gold plate every day so he became rich and he opened a shop. Aladdin wanted to marry Princess Badr-al-Budur so Aladdin rubbed the lamp and he said, "Bring the princess here." The jinnee brought the princess to Aladdin's house and he said, "I love you," to the princess and Jinnee took them back to the Princess's house. After a few days, the princess and Aladdin gopt married and they lived in an Arabian palace. One day Abanazar took Aladdin's lamp and he took Aladdin's palace and sent Badr-al-budur to Morocco. Aladdin heard what happened so he went to Morocco and he found his wife. Badr-al-Budur gave sleeping-powder to Abanazar and he drank it. When he slept, Aladdin killed him and they took his house and his wife and the lamp back to Arabia.

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