Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A man killed 32 people in Virginia

At Virginia Tech University, Cho Seuny-Hui killed 32 people. After he killed 32 people, he killed himself. Mr. Cho moved to the United States from South Korea with his family in 1992. Classmates thought his personality was dark. Also neighbors thought Mr. Cho was a quiet man when he played basketball by himself. Mr. Cho was a 2003 graduate of Westfield High School in Chantilly and he went to Virginia Tech. Mr. Cho was stalking two women that and he killed. Mr. Cho’s plays are about a fight between a son and a father who kill each other. Police don't know why Mr. Cho killed 32 people.

He was so crazy, because he killed 32people and he always thought crazy things. I think he was worried about his personality and he didn't have any friends so he killed 32 people.

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